Posts in ICE
ICE Far From Dead Says Volkswagen

Synthetic fuels could give the ICE a new lease of life.

Being such a large automaker with multiple brands under its umbrella, the Volkswagen Group can afford to invest heavily in electrification without having to put the internal combustion engine on the backburner. Their gasoline engines are now more efficient than ever while the much-criticized diesels that generated billions of dollars in fines are now as clean as current technology allows it.

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New Toyota Hot Hatch On the Way? (GR Corolla)

Trademark applications are gradually becoming a valuable source of information about future products a car manufacturer is planning. Take for example Toyota, which recently registered “GR Hilux” to signal a potential Ford Ranger Raptor competitor said to have a punchy V6 diesel. Speaking of engines, a new “I-Force Max” could be in the works if we were to rely on another trademark application.

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The Next Subaru WRX STI May be AMG Inspired While Providing 400 Horsepower

While the regular Subaru Impreza and other members of the Subie lineup switched to the new Subaru Global Platform four years ago, the higher-performance WRX and WRX STI versions of the Impreza have yet to follow suit. They're still based on the previous-generation Impreza models. If a new report from Forbes is accurate, however, that might finally be changing, thanks to a new engine being developed for the next STI capable of delivering 400 horsepower and 361 lb-ft of torque. New engine in hand, Subaru can now stuff it into a new WRX…

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